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2013年1月MBA/MPA/MPAcc联考英语论说文范文    中国教育在线  2013-01-05    

  中国教育在线讯 2013年管理类联考于1月5日举行,为了让广大管理类考生能够在第一时间了解考试讯息,解答考试的疑惑问题。中国教育在线MBA频道将第一时间公布2013年1月MBA/MPA/MPAcc联考英语论说文范文。

  This chart illustrates some remarkable changes /differences with regard to the number of university students taking part time jobs from the first year to the fourth year. As can be seen from the chart,(the students in the fourth year), ranking the first place,accounting for (88.24%),followed by(the students in grade three)and two, taking (71.93%)and (71.13%) respectively.

  These changes (or differences)correspond to the social reality and living situation in existence. Actually, some factors (effects) always stand out on top of others, if we take a closer look into the phenomenon. First of all, it is obvious to most of us that competition a significant driving factor influences their choices to take part time jobs. It is the choices of participating in part time jobs that competition in society may influence. Besides, we should never overlook the role the turning social requirements to elite nowadays plays. requirements like students’ practical abilities after a few years’study is a priority consideration for many companies, forming a big part of the total throughout their career. Last but not least, Taking part time jobs may not only facilitate students’ abilities but also enhance what they have learned in school.

  From what has been under discussion above, such phenomenon will keep booming in the future. Obviously, the trend goes quite for the genuine and original purpose of our community. What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that we should give out support to part time job if students can assign their time reasonably.














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  MBA复试概述 2013年秋季MBA联考复试分数线汇总

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