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MBA阅读灵魂词汇之功能性词汇    中国教育在线  2013-09-18    

  灵魂词汇 ----- 功能性词汇


  表示“分类”: classify, assort , categorize , label

  * People are usually categorized/classified as sociable and unsociable.

  * The man is usually labeled as a new-rich [暴发户]. 人们常把他归于暴发户之列

  表示“造成”: cause , lead to , result in , bring about ,bring on , trigger , give rise to #engender:*Sympathy often engenders love.同情常常产生爱情

  表示“做”: conduct , carry out , implement , commit , be under way ,

  * 真题07-3 Michael Lynn, has conducted dozens of studies of tipping…

  * The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions. 政府承诺实施/执行一个新的系统来控制金融贷款机构。

  * The project is now well under way. 一个项目正在顺利行进

  表示 “评估”:evaluate, appraise, assess , judge

  表示“期望”:expect , anticipate, long for , look forward to , hope , wish

  表示 “拥有”: have, own , possess, hold, be in possession of , belong to (属于)

  表示 “掌控”: control, be in charge of , dominate, monitor , supervise

  表示“破坏”: damage , ruin , spoil , destroy , devastate , raze , wreck。

  * The accident wrecked his health. 这次意外事故损坏了他的健康。

  表示“理解,知道”:understand , appreciate , be aware of , be conscious of , recognize 。

  表示“很多”: many, numerous, a flood of , a good many, considerable , substantial abundant ,

  a wealth of [修饰可数或不可数],plenty of , a great number of , a great deal of

  表示“有联系”:relate to , correlate to, associate with , connect to , link with , be linked to

  表示 “表明,证明”: show, demonstrate , manifest v. , prove , reveal , # unravel [ravel n.混乱]

  表示 “参与”: take part in , participate in ,be involved in ,


  表示“相反”: opposing : He has an opposing view about the world . 对于世界他有完全不同的观点

  contradictory: contradictory ideas 相互矛盾的观点

  表示“反对”: against ,be opposed to, be averse to … ,object to ,

  真题07-3: "I knew three groups would be opposed: customers, servers and restaurant owners"

  表示“调整适应”:adjust to , adapt to ,

  gear to : This training is geared to passing MBA examinations.

  accommodate : The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different

  distances. 眼睛能自动调节以便观看远近不同的景物。

  表示“很可能,倾向于”: be likely to , be apt to , be prone to , be inclined to , tend to

  * People are inclined to believe that the more money they have the happier they

  would be

  表示“足够”:enough,adequate , ample ,sufficient

  表示 “好,棒”: good , great , fabulous, marvelous, magnificent , miraculous, terrific , amazing,fantastic, gorgeous

  表示“难以置信”: unbelievable , incredible, unimaginable, It is hard to believe/imagine …

  表示“重要”: important , critical , crucial, essential , fundamental , foremost , significant [意义重大], vital ,

  表示“不可缺少”: necessary , essential , indispensible , integral [强调组成整体中的一部分]

  * Kids are an integral part of a family.

  表示 “明显的”: obvious, apparent, clear , distinct , evident , manifest , # overt [公开的]

  表示 “复杂的”: complicated , complex , involved , sophisticated [强调因为技术精密而复杂]

  * a sophisticated telescope 精密复杂的望远镜

  表示 “有前景”: promising , potential , prospective

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