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2011年在职MBA英语模拟试题及答案(三)    中国教育在线  2011-08-05    

  PART I Structure and Vocabulary (10% )

  Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For eachsentence there are four choices marked A,B, C and D. Choose the ONEanswer that best Completes the sentence. Then blacken the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.

  1 . He didn't seem to mind ___________ TV while he was trying to study.

  A. their watching

  B. them watch

  C. they watching

  D. them to watch

  2. It is said that more than one person in this department ___________ going to lose his job.

  A. are

  B. were

  C. will

  D. is

  3. When she ___________ all the magazines, she’ll come back home .

  A. has sold

  B. will sell

  C. sell

  D. would sell

  4.Themanufacturer claimed that this engine is ___________ the Previous one.

  A. as twice pOwerfd8S

  B. powerful as twice as

  C. twice powerful as

  D.twice as powerfu1 as

  5. Nowhere else in the world________________ more attractive scenery thanin Switzerland.

  A. are found

  B. have been found

  C. you can find

  D. can you find

  6. 1f he had not been ill yesterday, he ________to class.

  A. go

  B. would go

  C. would have gone

  D. went

  7. __________ science and technology he1p the society to progress is a fact accepted by most people.

  A. Modern

  B. That modern

  C. There modern

  D. It is modern

  8. ________ one of the leading novelists in America,Amy Taylor has also written a number of poems and plays.

  A. Considered

  B. Considering

  C. Having considered

  D. Been considered

  9. The streets are all wet. 1t_________during the night。

  A. must be raining

  B. had to rain

  C. must have rained

  D. had rained

  10. England’s chief exports are coa1, cars and cotton goods,cars _______the most important of these.

  A. have been

  B. are

  C. be

  D. being

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