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2013MBA联考英语作文及优秀范文模板      2012-10-10    

  Read the following surver and write on essay in no less than 150 words.Write you answer on Answer Sheet 2(15 points)

  年近六旬的老父老母,从湖南郴州老家到广东省深圳市帮助儿子带孩子,没想到竟遭来身为公务员的儿子的辱骂和殴打,对于某革要殴打父亲的深层次原因,有8.4%的被调查者认为“年轻人生活压力大”,17.22%的被调查者认为“社会转型期部分社会家庭矛盾缺少有桨缓解的途径”,还有74.4%的被调查者认为“当前社会上普遍存在的道德观滑坡”。请根据这个调查,谈谈自己的看法,并针对道德观价值观滑坡(moral decine)现象,提前自己的主张。


  These days, there is a hot topic about moral decline in our society. It is caused by the fact that an couple of older parents have been abused and hit by their son who is a government worker in Shenzhen. This thing delicates that the moral of our society is declining .The phenomenon of moral decline in economic prosperity is frequent in recently.

  I think there are some reasons which cause this phenomenon. One hand, for a long period of time, people’s worship of money has resulted in moral decline. Not other’s profit someone concern, but only self-profit. On the other hand, school education pays attention to intellect and leads to students’ low level of moral. Being these, economic prosperity would not insistent.

  Government should improve this problem through take some actions such as reinforcing moral education, especially to younger generation. Only by building up correct moral concept can we reserve the phenomenon of moral decline so that keep doing economic prosperity

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