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MBA联考英语写作练习题1    中国教育在线  2014-08-05    

  Study the following chart carefully and write an essay to

  1)depict the chart,

  2)deduce the reasons behind the fact.


  As is vividly betrayed in the chart above, the number of MS/MA candidates has been climbing over the past years and rocketed to 1.3 million in the year of 2005. People at different walks of life may wonder what is behind the figure.

  The reasons for the great increase of MA/MS candidates over the past years can be illustrated as follows. First, the idea that knowledge is power has contributed to the enormous increase of MA/MS candidates. Nowadays, in an era of knowledge explosion, we must have good command of learning knowledge which has become a life-long work. Therefore, many people aren’t content with their four-year college education and apply for MA/MS degree. Second, the current unsatisfactory job-hunting has resulted in the great increase of MS/MA candidates over the past years. At the moment, the supply of the college graduates overtakes the demand for the college graduates. As a result, many college graduates can’t find jobs they really enjoy and want.

  Therefore, they’d like to conduct further study instead of doing the work they dislike. As a consequence, more and more people apply for MA/MS degree, which has led to the great increase of MA/MS candidates. (196 words)

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