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2003年MBA/MPA/MPACC历年英语真题及答案      2012-11-07    








  Section II Cloze (10 points)

  Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.

  21. Long long ago,most foresters have been men, but today, a number of women this field is climbing.

  A. registering B. pursuing C. devoting D. engaging

  22. The bankno0tes which had fooled many bank tellers were discovered to be

  A. artificial B. genuene C. counterfeit D. faulty

  23. Without a whole hearted to a keen forward-looking vision and a deep insight, you cnnot be a leader.

  A. determination B. resolution C. commitment D. obligation

  24. All transactions are strictly , and we never sell, rent or trade any customer’s name.

  A. considerable B. confident C. considerate D. confidential ..joxue.

  25. Big businesses enjoy certain that smaller ones do not have.

  A. transactions B. privileges C. subsidies D. substitutes

  26. Your kindness in giving to the consideration of the above problem vill be highly appreciated./

  A. importance B. advantage C. priority D. authority

  27. The border incident led to the two countries their diplomatic relations.

  A. breaking out B. breaking in C. breaking through D. breaking off

  28. I meant to sound confident at the interview but I’ m afraid I as self-assertive.

  A. got in B. got over C. got off D. got out

  29. John planned to take part in the competition but had to on account of the car accident.

  A. drop out B. hold out C. get out D. run out

  30. He doesn’t work but he gets a good from his investment.

  A. subsidy B. income C. earning D. salary

  31. can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by the science fiction.

  A. Anybody B.Nobody C. Somebody D. Everybody

  32. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew thay the assertion about economic recovery just around the corner was untrue.

  A. was B. being C. would be D. to be

  33. Oceans continually lose by evaporating much of the river water into them.

  A. to constantly flow B. be constantly flowing C. constantly flows D. constantly flowing

  34. The result has turned still worse than it .

  A. would otherwise have been B. would be otherwise

  C. had otherwise been D. has otherwise benn

  35. There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, they can limit how much water you drink.

  A. much more than B. no more than C. no less than D. any more than

  36. He told us how he dealt with the self-interest of different countries to bring them into a kind of international accord. everyone seemed to benefit.

  A. where B. what C. that D. which

  37. We hope the measures to control prices taken by the government will succeed.

  A. when B. as C. since D. after/

  38. The costs of distribution and sales make up a large part of prices that .

  A. all products are paid for B. are paid for all products

  C. all products paid D. for which all products paid

  39. So quickly are science and technology advancing is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.

  A. that B. what C. that which D. that what

  40. It is still Richard’s ambition to study medicine , someday, to make a real contribution to the field of science.

  A. and B. also C. but D. or ..joxue.


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